Unconference “As open as possible, as restricted as necessary: EOSC sensitive data exchange”
On Monday, 21 October 2024, TITAN, SIESTA and ENTRUST participated in the EOSC Symposium 2024 with a joint session called “As open as possible, restricted as necessary; EOSC sensitive data exchange”.

The unconference session was chaired by Jonathan Tedds and counted with Antonio Skarmeta, Heidi Laine, Mark Dietrich, Peter Maccallum and Ville Tenhunen as speakers and panellists.
This session had two main objectives:
- To introduce the drivers from biomedical research and the social sciences – the challenges in finding, sharing and analysing data sets while respecting the rights and ethical principles which apply;
- To discuss future EOSC solutions for FAIR-sensitive data – technologies for the deployment of secure Cloud or physical technologies, tools to assist data rights holders in anonymising and sharing data, and the development of operational, policy and legal frameworks.
On behalf of TITAN, Antonio Skarmeta presented the project’s main vision and how it will provide a solution to the EDHS´ Secure Processing Environments concept. In concrete terms, TITAN’s solution will bring tools and enablers that will help provide data access only to authorised users. Additionally, it incorporates Data Minimization and pseudonymization solutions grounded in the principles of confidential computing.
The key contributions from TITAN include:
- Look for mechanisms to allow both consumer and producer (data, processing, confidential processing, AI/ML algorithm service) to describe their properties and capabilities using a FAIR approach;
- Integrate an SSI, privacy-preserving mechanism and DLT-based AAI solution interoperable with DSBA and EOSC;
- Provide a matchmaking mechanism based on the meta-models used for describing capabilities to facilitate the communication consumer-provider, in a data space governance architecture;
- Support deployable and configurable connectors (following DSBA architecture) with different privacy-preserving and confidential models to support the communication between consumers and providers;
- Integrate mechanisms to control the what, with whom and how the data sharing will take place;
- Integrate mechanisms to control what to share, with whom and how the data sharing will take place
- Provide confidential computing capabilities on demand to support data treatment based on TEE, secure enclave and federated learning functions and privacy-preserving and anonymisation
During the panel discussion, there was also a Q&A moment where more than 20 questions were posted on Slido.
🔗 For more information, consult the session resources (slides and Q&A).
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