EOSC Symposium joint unconference session

“As open as possible, restricted as necessary:

- EOSC sensitive data exchange”

On Monday, 21 October 2024, TITAN, SIESTA and ENTRUST will participate in the EOSC Symposium 2024 with a joint session called “As open as possible, restricted as necessary; EOSC sensitive data exchange”.

The EOSC Symposium will take place between 21-23 October in Berlin and will be a pivotal step on the journey to shaping EOSC beyond 2027. It will offer a prime opportunity for networking and idea exchange with policymakers, funders and representatives from research institutions, research communities and infrastructures engaged in the EOSC ecosystem.

TITAN, SIESTA and ENTRUST, three EU-funded projects under the umbrella of the EOSC Community, applied for the opportunity to present an Unconference Session and were selected. The session will introduce the drivers from biomedical research and the social sciences – the challenges in finding, sharing and analysing data sets while respecting the rights and ethical principles which apply. Additionally, it will delve into future EOSC solutions for FAIR-sensitive data – technologies for deploying secure cloud or physical technologies, tools to assist data rights holders to anonymise and share data, and the development of operational, policy and legal frameworks.

The first part of the session will be chaired by Peter Maccallum (EOSC-ENTRUST) and will have as speakers Antonio Skarmeta (TITAN), Álvaro López García (SIESTA) and Heidi Laine (EOSC-ENTRUST). Each project will present the “Why? – Drivers and use cases for sensitive data re-use in European Research” and the “How? – Technical, operational and governance solutions for sensitive data in EOSC”.

The second part will be a Q&A moderated by Jonathan Tedds (EOSC-ENTRUST), with panellists  Antonio Skarmeta, Álvaro López García, Peter Maccallum, Heidi Laine and Mark Dietrich

EOSC Symposium 2024 has released a promotional video explaining the focus of the joint unconference session to encourage European researchers working with sensitive data and infrastructure providers to join the discussion. To find out more, watch the session promo video, where  Jonathan Tedds explains why this is an interesting session for European researchers working with sensitive data, as well as for infrastructure providers developing solutions for them.

More on the three participating EOSC projects

TITAN – Trusted envIronments for confidenTiAl computiNg and secure data sharing’

Funded by the European Commission, TITAN is a 36-month project that will deliver an open-source software platform focused on enabling secure sensitive data sharing, and demonstrate them in the EOSC ecosystem. The project puts significant emphasis on privacy preservation and AI technological solutions in line with existing ethical, regulatory and legal EU boundaries. The developed open-source software platform solution will implement confidential mechanisms, algorithms, and tools, and validate solutions in sensitive data-driven use cases (government and healthcare).

Follow TITAN’s social media channels


SIESTA – Secure Interactive Environments for SensiTive data Analytics

SIESTA is a 36-month project that aims to design and build Secure Interactive Environments for SensiTive data Analytics in the EOSC ecosystem.

SIESTA envisions a set of tools, services, and methodologies for the effective sharing of sensitive data in the EOSC, following a cloud-based model and approach to foster the uptake of sensitive data sharing and processing in the EOSC.

The project will deliver trusted cloud-based environments for the management and sharing of sensitive data that are built in a reproducible way, together with a set of services and tools to ease the secure sharing of sensitive data in the EOSC through state-of-the-art anonymisation techniques.

Follow SIESTA’s social media channels


ENTRUST A European Network of TRUSTed research environments

EOSC-ENTRUST will build a European network of Trusted Research Environments (TREs) for sensitive data and develop a common blueprint, or reference architecture, for federated data access and analysis. EOSC-ENTRUST brings together providers of operational TREs from 15 European countries with a shared goal to implement, validate and promote their capabilities through a common European framework using shared standards and common legal, operational and technical language.

The project will create a reference architecture for interoperability, based on the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) Interoperability Framework, to address legal, organisational, technical and semantic interoperability aspects. It includes driver projects in genomics, clinical trials, social science, and public-private partnerships to test and refine this blueprint and facilitate secure data analysis through federated workflows.

Follow ENTRUST’s social media channels

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